
MDL Beast音樂節(jié)在沙特創(chuàng)造壯觀景象,國內(nèi)外人才登臺表演

MDL Beast Festival
2019-12-23 16:54 11783
沙特阿拉伯最大的藝術(shù)、文化和音樂盛會MDL Beast在第二天里,繼續(xù)激發(fā)客人們的參與熱情,過去兩天來,來自中東內(nèi)外的15萬滿懷渴望的音樂迷,參加了這一盛會。

- 沙特阿拉伯里程碑式的音樂、藝術(shù)和文化盛會繼續(xù)讓客人們感到驚訝和愉悅,大衛(wèi)-庫塔和史蒂夫-青木在The Big Beast舞臺上進行壓軸的電音背靠背表演

- 相關(guān)網(wǎng)絡(luò)視頻下載網(wǎng)址:

沙特阿拉伯利雅得2019年12月23日 /美通社/ -- 沙特阿拉伯最大的藝術(shù)、文化和音樂盛會MDL Beast在第二天里,繼續(xù)激發(fā)客人們的參與熱情,過去兩天來,來自中東內(nèi)外的15萬滿懷渴望的音樂迷,參加了這一盛會。


在Big Beast舞臺,觀眾欣賞來自于沙特DJ二人組Dish Dash的令人頭暈?zāi)垦5谋硌?,而在這之前,J Balvin、Camelphat、丹尼-提拉里亞(Danny Tenaglia)、史蒂夫-青木(Steve Aoki)和大衛(wèi)-庫塔(David Guetta)等國際巨星也登臺表演。在完成了個人表演之后,青木和庫塔一起進行了“背靠背”聯(lián)合演出,為晚上的表演劃上了圓滿的句號。

在Down Beast弛放音樂舞臺上,興高采烈的觀眾欣賞Lady Lou、Hatoon、Dokkan和Usif等人的表演。

在談到參加MDL Beast表演的體驗時,大衛(wèi)-庫塔評論說:“對我來說,來到沙特阿拉伯,是我一生中最為重要的一件事 -- 我們正在創(chuàng)造歷史。我看到了這個國家所有年輕人的熱情,從他們的眼睛中看到這種享受音樂的快樂,并能加入這一非凡時刻,真乃幸事。這也是我首次和史蒂夫-青木一起進行背靠背演出。”

包括Cosmicat、與Vinyl Mode的穆罕默德-納薩爾(Mohanned Nassar)進行背靠背表演的DJ Baloo、Desertf!sh在內(nèi)的藝術(shù)家,在Saudi Beast舞臺和Underground Beast一號舞臺上獻藝,為數(shù)千名為之歡呼的音樂迷盡情演奏。

在MDL Beast音樂節(jié)的第二天,像極限震撼(Fuerza Bruta)和Cirque Bijou這樣的世界級表演秀,以其令人頭暈?zāi)垦5姆欠蔡匦П硌荩層^眾目瞪口呆。22場獨一無二和前所未見的表演專為MDL Beast打造,讓觀眾眼花繚亂,大呼過癮。

Global Street Food Market(全球街邊小吃市場)和Saudi Alley(沙特小巷),歡迎所有人來品嘗當(dāng)?shù)睾蛧H品牌的精華美食。來自于拉美風(fēng)味餐廳MNKY HSE的大廚們,專門為此次活動創(chuàng)造了菜單和無酒精雞尾酒。


Niche Arabia創(chuàng)始人梅里亞姆-莫薩利(Marriam Mossalli)表示:“我以推廣和贊揚沙特創(chuàng)意人才,作為我的個人和職業(yè)使命。沙特阿拉伯的時尚行業(yè)現(xiàn)在欣欣向榮,我很榮幸MDL Beast音樂節(jié)能夠為如此多的設(shè)計界后起之秀提供支持。有機會在像MDL Beast這樣的盛大活動中創(chuàng)造這樣的零售區(qū),能夠為沙特風(fēng)格帶來真正的全球舞臺?!?/p>

人們可以探索專為MDL Beast參與者設(shè)計的MDL Beast XP區(qū),與不同的方式與聲音進行互動和游戲?,F(xiàn)在鼓勵人們前往這一專門展覽空間中的“Beyond the Beats”,這個地方包含一個錄音室,能夠展示如何讓音樂成為一種積極向善的力量。

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MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


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MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers


MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
MDL Beast Festival - the Saudi spectacular sees International and National talent perform to an elated crowd of 150 thousand festival goers
消息來源:MDL Beast Festival